Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tomorrow is the Whanau House sports day.

The events will kick off at 11.15am out on the junior courtyard with a brief intro and the house chants.

Children will be having 15min rotations and will be competing to gain points for their Whanau House.

We would like to encourage parents and family members to come along and join in the activities.

**Children have been asked to come to school dressed in their Whanau House colours***

These are:

Elliott is Blue

Freyberg is Red

Ngarimu is Green

Ward is Yellow

Hi guys, you word of the week is an easy one this week. It is the word "hammock".

My apologies to parents for the delay as family illness had my mind on other things.

Spelling this week: I have no firm expectations on the children this week as I am in the middle of spelling tests. Their results in these could change what they are currently doing.

Have a great rest of week

Friday, October 16, 2009

Rainforest Maths

Today in Computer time, we looked at a cool website called "Rainforest Maths".

It allowed us to look at games and activities at our own learning levels.
As we are studying ALGEBRA at the moment, it had some great games for identifying patterns.

Here are some of room sixes thoughts on the site:

"Its good to play with and good to learn from" (Sidaya)
"Its cool and you can get lots of points" (Caitlin)
"It's cool" (Cheyenne)
"Its good to help kids in primary school to learn maths" (Sasha)
"Its cool, and it is fun to play" (Allister)
"Its fun" (Thomas)
"Its a good website for kids to get better at maths" (Gary)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Taylahs new addition to the family

A beautiful new addition

Here is Tahlah and her brother looking at a new bundle of joy that has arrived into their family. Its a beautiful little boy. "You look like you are going to be a wonderful big sister Taylah" Congratulations to your family on your new little blessing.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Back to ... school.

Welcome back to term 4.

This term is a really busy one.

This weeks word of the week is the word 'immerse'.

**not to be mistaken with the word 'immense'**

Don't forget that this week is 'CAN' week. So bring along a canned item to help support our Gala Day!!